Dubai OWC 2012
The e-posters will be available during the entire Conference via computers in the e-poster area at the Dubai World Trade Centre. Only those authors who received a confirmation of their registration and payment from the SICOT Conference Secretariat by 31 May 2012 received a link to upload their e-poster file(s). The links were sent on 21 June 2012 to all registered authors presenting e-posters.
8MB is the maximum size that can be uploaded.
The presentations can be uploaded in ppt and pdf formats only.
Images, tables and detailed data may be used.
No videos or multimedia may be used.
E-poster presentations may include 6 to 10 slides (landscape orientation) with the following information:
Slide 1: Abstract number, title, list of authors and authors' affiliations
Slide 2: Introduction to problem
Slide 3: Materials and methods (incl. statistical analysis, if any)
Slide 4: Results
Slide 5: Discussion (incl. current literature review)
Slide 6: Conclusions / Conflict of interest declaration