SICOT e-Newsletter
 Issue No. 30 - March 2011
Editorial by Maurice Hinsenkamp, President Elect & Chairman of the Congress Scientific Advisory Committee
Scientific Programme of Prague TWC 2011
Less than six months remain before the SICOT 2011 XXV Triennial World Congress in Prague, Czech Republic. The scientific programme is now prepared in detail with only a few confirmations of attendance pending. It will be an exceptional meeting due to its size but mostly due to its scientific value. More than 600 free papers and over 700 posters have been selected, covering the main topics in orthopaedics and traumatology. Read more...
SICOT Events
SICOT 2011 XXV Triennial World Congress
6-9Â September 2011 - Prague, Czech Republic
Please check the SICOT website regularly for updated information about Prague TWC 2011.
- Scientific ProgrammeÂ
The notification of abstract acceptance/rejection has been postponed to 15 April 2011, due to the large number of high quality abstracts received and our thorough review process.
The presenting author of an accepted abstract (oral and e-poster) must register and pay the congress registration fee before 15 June 2011 to have his/her abstract included in the Final Programme. The Congress Secretariat will not check if co-authors have registered. Abstract submitters can change the presenting author of an abstract through the abstract submission system until 15 June 2011, by clicking on the link in the confirmation email received after submitting the abstract.
- Registration
Congress registration is open here! Register before 15 May 2011 and benefit from reduced registration fees!
As a SICOT member you can save money on your congress registration fee. Special preferential membership dues are available for new members from our Friendship Nations: China, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and member countries of the Pan Arab Orthopaedic Association (PAOA). Click here to find out how you can join SICOT. Become a SICOT member and save money!
If you are a presenting author, please insert your abstract number(s) on the registration form and check that your FAMILY name and GIVEN name(s) have been inserted in the corresponding field and spelled in the same way as on the abstract submission form. For example, if you have inserted "Smith" in the Family Name field on the abstract submission form, please ensure that "Smith" has also been inserted in the Family Name field on the registration form.
SICOT Educational Day 2011
The SICOT Educational Day is a new initiative undertaken by the SICOT Young Surgeons Committee. The aim of this day is to provide a comprehensive review course for residents and an evidence-based update for practicing surgeons on a specific theme at each SICOT meeting. The theme is selected in such a way that it is mutually beneficial to the residents in their exams and to the orthopaedic surgeons in their daily practice.
The theme chosen for this year is 'The Hip'. Great teachers from around the world are being brought together to lecture on their area of expertise. Read more...Â
- Accommodation & Tours
Discover here the various hotels and hostels available around the Prague Congress Centre, as well as the tours in Prague and trips to other places of interest in the Czech Republic during the Congress.
- Exhibition & Sponsorship
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to promote your products and services to leading international orthopaedic surgeons, traumatologists and specialists in related fields.
Exhibition & Sponsorship Prospectus (pdf)
If you are interested in sponsoring, exhibiting, or advertising at the Congress, please contact Lina Salvati:
Lina Salvati
Linsa Inc. (Canada)
Tel.: +1 514 924 3476
E-mail: Â
Skype: ripley9423
"SICOT meets SICOT" Training Programme is now open!
Aiming to distribute knowledge in orthopaedics and traumatology and to promote, foster and develop teaching and education at international level, SICOT has created a new initiative: a friendship-guided, short-term, low-budget, on-site training opportunity.
The applying fellow and the person in charge of this programme at the host institution must be members of SICOT. Belonging to the same SICOT international orthopaedic network, both members will have a common basis which will increase the efficiency of the learning and teaching relationship. Read more...
- Henri Judet appointed Chairman of the first SICOT Subspecialty Committee
Orthopaedic surgery has become such a broad field that multiple subspecialty sections have been created. Even though SICOT covers the whole area of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, this trend must be taken into account. Therefore, SICOT is currently developing subspecialty sections, which aim to attract the brightest and the best surgeons with contemporary knowledge to provide the best education and scientific programmes at our meetings. Young surgeons should feel confident that they will engage in the latest developments in their chosen evolving subspecialty when they attend SICOT meetings. This can be done as subspecialty sections are developed within SICOT, each headed by an internationally respected leader. The first subspecialty committee to be formed is 'Arthroplasty Hip' and Henri Judet has been appointed its Chairman. Read more...
SICOT is going interactive!
All SICOT members are invited to join us on Facebook. The SICOT group will publish the Newsletter, news, suggestions, and topic and case discussions from members. Share information with friends, news on a new fellowship, or a course. Give feedback on what you want to see at the SICOT meeting in Prague, and what you enjoyed in Gothenburg.
SICOT Alumni
The SICOT Alumni has been created via Facebook to include the Young Surgeons Committee and all previous fellows and awardees of SICOT. This will provide close communication and benefits for these active members. All qualified candidates are asked to email the SICOT Head Office to join the Alumni (Â
SICOT Danish Travelling Fellowship Report 2010
Click here to read the report of Dharmendra Singh, who was offered the SICOT Danish Travelling Fellowship in 2010 and spent three months at à rhus University Hospital which is specialised in Spine Surgery.Â
- European Musculoskeletal Review - Volume 6 Issue 1
SICOT is collaborating with Touch Briefings to bring SICOT members free access to the online eBook version of European Musculoskeletal Review.
In the latest issue Professors Marco Matucci-Cerinic and Olga Kaloudi contribute an excellent paper, "Organ Involvement in Systemic Sclerosis - From Early Detection and Assessment to Follow-up", while Professor Howard Anthony Bird discusses hypermobility, and its affect on joint symptoms. Elsewhere in this edition, Professor Antonio Spadaro provides a fascinating exploration of spondyloarthritides.
Directed by an Editorial Board comprising internationally respected physicians, European Musculoskeletal Reviewâs peer-reviewed articles endeavour to provide a concise and timely update on the latest opinion and advances spanning the breadth of musculoskeletal practice.
SICOT members can access the current edition, European Musculoskeletal Review - Volume 6 Issue 1, in full and for free in eBook format. Click here to access your complimentary eBook. (If you are a SICOT member, please log in to the SICOT website first with your username (member ID number/e-mail address) and password. Information about password renewal is available on the SICOT website.)
For more information, please visit the Touch Briefings' Musculoskeletal Disease website at:
SICOT Global Network for Electronic Learning - SIGNEL
SICOT invites you to visit its electronic learning programme, SIGNEL, on the SICOT website.
All contributions are categorised, thus allowing the user to find easily what he/she is looking for. It is open to everyone here. Insert the keyword or topic you would like to read more about, then simply click on "QUICK SEARCH" and you will find a list of videos, articles and so on, which can each be selected with a click of the mouse. You can also go to "Advanced Search" for more options. It's that simple! The material currently available is only the beginning. From time to time, please have a look to see what has been added.
The SICOT Head Office would also welcome any comments or proposals at We hope you will find this new learning programme useful and practical.
- Article of the Month
Long-term results of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a comparison with non-operative treatment with a follow-up of 17-20 years
Radovan Mihelic, Hari Jurdana, Zdravko Jotanovic, Tomislav Madjarevic & Anton TudorÂ
The aim of our study was to review the clinical and radiological outcome of patients who had undergone anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction in comparison to a group of non-operatively treated patients. Read more...
- Case of the Month
An 83-year-old male suffering from ischemic cardiac disease, was examined using a periodical cardiac catheterization. The left brachial artery was punctured with a 6 Fr. catheter at the antecubital-fossa. No sedation was performed and the procedure was completed without any painful complications. After the procedure, the elbow was fixed at 90 degrees for 6 hours with a half-cast. When the cast was removed, complete median nerve palsy was discovered. Sensory disturbance and motor disorder of the median nerve was complete.
Since there was no recovery after three and a half months, the patient was referred to our hospital.
What would you recommend?
Conventional drainage versus temporary drainage clamping after total knee arthroplasty: a meta-analysis
Li Bin, Tian Lijie, Wen Yu, Liu Da
Department of Orthopaedics, Shengjing Hospital, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China
Objective: To investigate whether the temporary drainage-clamping method is more effective than the conventional drainage method in reducing blood loss after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) without increasing the risk of complications.
Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to evaluate the validity of this theory. We searched PubMed, Embase, Ovid and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from January 1979 to June 2010 for randomized controlled studies comparing the effect of temporary drainage clamping methods and conventional drainage methods after TKA. We assessed the methodological quality of the studies and abstracted the relevant data independently.
Results: Six studies involving 603 knees were identified in this analysis. Compared with conventional drainage methods, drainage clamping method could decrease the volume of drainage significantly. However, no statistically significant difference was found between the 2 groups in terms of postoperative hemoglobin, blood transfusion, postoperative range of motion and wound complication.
Conclusion: The current evidence cannot confirm the advantage of clamping drainage after TKA.
Worldwide News
How do elderly patients with displaced intracapsular neck of femur fractures fare if treated non-operatively at one year? (summarised by N.S. Harshavardhana, SICOT Young Surgeons Committee Member)
Gregory JJ et al (Injury 2010, 41:1273-76) undertook a comparative study evaluating 102 elderly patients (>70 years) presenting with displaced intra-capsular neck of femur fractures. A small cohort of them were managed conservatively (Group I) due to medical co-morbidities (n=22) which placed them at increased risk of peri-operative mortality and the rest (n=80) were treated operatively (Group II) by Austin-Moore hemiarthroplasty. Though one-month mortality was higher in Group I (50% vs. 29%), the 2-12 months mortality was similar in the two groups (27% vs. 25%). Traction was not used and all patients mobilised as pain permitted with analgesia. There were no deaths due to chest/urinary tract infection or pressure sores. Of the 11 survivors in Group I, only 3 patients reported pain/discomfort (2 mild & 1 moderate) and 8 were living in their own homes. The authors concluded non-operative management to be a justifiable option in a selective cohort of medically unfit patients with comparable mortality statistics and acceptable results even in developed countries.
What are the predictive factors of screw cut-out in elderly patients treated with intra-medullary nailing for extra-capsular neck of femur fractures? (summarised by N.S. Harshavardhana, SICOT Young Surgeons Committee Member)
Lobo-Escolar A et al (Injury 2010, 41:1312-16) undertook a case control study of 916 patients aged >65 years presenting with extracapsular neck of femur fractures treated with intramedullary nailing. There were 33 instances of screw cutout (Group I) and 315 patients served as control (Group II) after stringent inclusion criteria. The overall incidence of screw cutout was 3.6%. They analysed both clinical and technical factors to account for cutouts and propose recommendations. The only factor that was statistically significant (p=0.03) on multi-variate logistic regression analysis was tip-apex distance (TAD). Distal locking in static hole approached close to being statistically significant (p=0.05). The mean TAD was 32.24 mm in the cutout group as compared to 23.81 mm in the control group. They question if the recommended standard TAD of â¤25 mm observed for dynamic hip screw fixation is optimal for intramedullary nail incorporating the lag screw. Parker ratio (p=0.45) and osteoporosis (p=0.25), despite being significant in bivariate analysis, were not statistically significant independent risk factors for implant failure on regression analysis.Â
Industry News
- B.Braun - Aesculap AG, Â
Since 2006, more than 300 patients have been successfully treated by Dr. Martyn J. Parker with Targon® FN and the complication rate is about a third of contemporary implants.
Targon® FN
Head preserving solution for medial femoral neck fractures
Editorial Department
Editorial Secretary: Syed Awais
Assistant Editorial Secretary: Hatem Said
Editorial Production: Linda Ridefjord
Special thanks to Anthony Hall
Rue Washington 40-b.9, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: +32 2 648 68 23 | Fax: +32 2 649 86 01
E-mail: | Website: Â
Disclaimer: Some of the views and information expressed in this e-Newsletter include external contributors whose views are not necessarily those of SICOT. SICOT is not responsible for the content of any external internet sites.