Best wishes for 2011 to you and your family
from the SICOT Editorial Department
SICOT e-Newsletter
 Issue No. 27 - December 2010
Prague TWC 2011
Don't miss the deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 January 2011!
Editorial by Cody Bünger, SICOT President
SICOT's role in International Networking in Musculoskeletal Health
SICOT joined the recent Global Forum of the Bone and Joint Decade on its 10-year anniversary. This initiative was established by the Chairman and Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Lars Lidgren, from the University of Lund, Sweden, and has managed to establish a multidisciplinary global consciousness on musculoskeletal health with the participation of all stakeholders including patients, doctors, academicians, professional societies and politicians. The BJD initiative is recognised by multiple governments and international health organisations, such as NIH, US, EU, UN and WHO, and has managed to focus on the global lack of resources available for musculoskeletal research and patient care. Read more...Â
SICOT Events
SICOT 2011 XXV Triennial World Congress
6-9Â September 2011 - Prague, Czech Republic
Please check the SICOT website regularly for updated information about Prague TWC 2011.
- Call for abstracts
Don't miss the abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2011!
Click here to submit your abstracts.Â
Main topics
Other topics  Arthroplasty
Endoscopic Spinal Surgery
Foot & Ankle
Knee Ligament & Cartilage Repair
Minimally Invasive Spinal Techniques
Natural Disasters
Prosthetics & Orthotics
Regenerative Orthopaedics
Road Trauma Safety
Congress registration is open here!
SICOT Educational Day 2011
The SICOT Educational Day is a new initiative undertaken by the SICOT Young Surgeons Committee. The aim of this day is to provide a comprehensive review course for residents and an evidence-based update for practicing surgeons on a specific theme at each SICOT meeting. The theme is selected in such a way that it is mutually beneficial to the residents in their exams and to the orthopaedic surgeons in their daily practice.
The theme chosen for this year is 'The Hip'. Great teachers from around the world are being brought together to lecture on their area of expertise. Read more...
SICOT Awards
Click here to find out more about the SICOT Awards which are granted to young surgeons to help them attend the Congress.
Click here to read more about the Shimomura Research Prize.
SICOT Diploma Examination
- Accommodation
Discover the various hotels available around the Prague Congress Centre here.
- Exhibition & Sponsorship
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to promote your products and services to leading international orthopaedic surgeons, traumatologists and specialists in related fields.
Exhibition & Sponsorship Prospectus (pdf)
If you are interested in sponsoring, exhibiting, or advertising at the Congress, please contact Lina Salvati:
Lina Salvati
Linsa Inc. (Canada)
Tel.: +1 514 924 3476
E-mail: Â
Skype: ripley9423
Education & Training
SICOT Travelling Fellowships 2011
Every year, SICOT offers three young surgeons three-month fellowships to visit an international medical centre. The aim is to attend and learn at a renowned education centre to improve knowledge and surgical skills. The value of each fellowship is EUR 4,000, which includes travel and accommodation. Don't miss this great opportunity and apply before 31 December 2010! Read more...
NUHS/SICOT Trauma Fellowship Award
On 13 September 2010 a new SICOT Fellowship Award blossomed in the Asia Pacific region. A Memorandum of Understanding between SICOT and the Division of Orthopaedic Trauma, National University Hospital, Singapore, created a new window of opportunity. Read more...
SICOT Global Network for Electronic Learning - SIGNEL
- Article of the Month - International Orthopaedics Publishing Prize papers
The following abstract from the SICOT journal, International Orthopaedics, was awarded a prize by the prestigious German Orthopaedic Multidisciplinary Committee, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endoprothetik (AE). The AE Research Prize is awarded every year for the best German research paper in orthopaedics. The prize winners: Michael Muller, Dirk Crucius, Carsten Perka, Stephan Tohtz, from Berlin are naturally delighted with their success and International Orthopaedics is very happy that they chose the journal for their publication. We congratulate the authors most warmly. Read the article...
Case of the MonthÂ
A 20-year-old man is presented to our out-patient clinic. He reports an accident with his bicycle with subsequent pain in his left knee.
The physical examination of the left knee shows an unstable medial collateral ligament and an effusion. There is tenderness on palpation in the region of the medial collateral ligament but not in the area of the medial joint line. The flexibility of the left knee is extension/flexion 0/15/100°, the lateral collateral ligament is firm. There is no redness or heat.
1.) What are the most appropriate investigations after the physical examination? Read more...
Femoral Neck Fractures Training
A SICOT online course on Femoral Neck Fractures is available at for SICOT members.
If you are a SICOT member, please log in to the SICOT website with your username (member ID number/e-mail address) and password. Information about password renewal is available on the SICOT website.
Once you have logged in, you can register for the course here.
Industry News
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British Volume)
Subscribe now at
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Download it now from the iTunes store.
Which Medical Device
Have you ever needed a second opinion on the best medical device for a procedure or even advice on how best to use it? If the answer to either is yes, then read on. is the only independent review site by clinicians, for clinicians. The aim of the website is to provide a forum for independent and unbiased reviews of medical devices in the fields of Cardiology, Interventional Radiology and Orthopaedics.
Join today - it's quick, simple and free.
As a registered member you can search device reviews, upload your own reviews, comments and images, view videos of devices in use and discuss complex cases with clinicians from around the world. We also have an international panel of independent experts providing in-depth reviews, which makes visiting Which Medical Device a must to find out what your colleagues really think of the devices we all use.
Visit now to register and join over 2,000 members who are already contributing to the global device debate.
Pakistan needs your help
Pakistan is suffering one of the worst natural disasters in the form of rain water floods. Heavy rainfall that started on 22 July and subsequent rains and flooding in various regions of Pakistan have affected approximately 20 million people and resulted in nearly 2,000 deaths nationwide. More than 3.5 million children are at risk of communicable diseases. As the water is moving towards the sea, it is causing serious effects on people, animals, plants and agriculture, infrastructure and soil, and public services. Please help the Pakistani people by making a donation to the Foundation for Health Care Improvement (FHCI), a charity organisation in Pakistan founded by Prof Syed Awais, SICOT National Delegate of Pakistan:
Account title: Bank account number: Bank name: Branch address: Swift code: Branch code: Account type: |
Foundation for Health Care Improvement (FHCI) 103287-8 National Bank of Pakistan Anarkali Branch, Dhani Ram Road, Lahore, Pakistan NBPAPKKAA02L (303) PLS Saving Account |
Thank you.
Editorial Department
Editorial Secretary: Syed Awais
Assistant Editorial Secretary: Hatem Said
Editorial Production: Linda Ridefjord
Special thanks to Anthony Hall
Rue Washington 40-b.9, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: +32 2 648 68 23 | Fax: +32 2 649 86 01
E-mail: | Website: Â
Disclaimer: Some of the views and information expressed in this e-Newsletter include external contributors whose views are not necessarily those of SICOT. SICOT is not responsible for the content of any external internet sites.