SICOT e-Newsletter
 Issue No. 23 - August 2010
Pakistan needs your help
Pakistan is suffering one of the worst natural disasters in the form of rain water floods. Heavy rainfall that started on 22 July and subsequent rains and flooding in various regions of Pakistan have affected approximately 20 million people and resulted in nearly 2,000 deaths nationwide. More than 3.5 million children are at risk of communicable diseases. As the water is moving towards the sea, it is causing serious effects on people, animals, plants and agriculture, infrastructure and soil, and public services. Please help the Pakistani people by making a donation to the Foundation for Health Care Improvement (FHCI), a charity organisation in Pakistan founded by Prof Syed Awais, SICOT National Delegate of Pakistan:
Account title: Bank account number: Bank name: Branch address: Swift code: Branch code: Account type: |
Foundation for Health Care Improvement (FHCI) 103287-8 National Bank of Pakistan Anarkali Branch, Dhani Ram Road, Lahore, Pakistan NBPAPKKAA02L (303) PLS Saving Account |
Thank you.
In Memoriam
Prof Federico Fernandez-Palazzi SICOT deeply regrets to announce the death of Prof Federico |
Editorial by Maurice Hinsenkamp - SICOT President Elect
SICOT meetings: forums for international networking
I hope you will enjoy the Annual International Conference in Gothenburg. As you may have noticed, the SICOT scientific meetings grow year after year in scientific quality and in international representation. The unique characteristic of the SICOT scientific programme is that it offers not only an updated overview of general orthopaedic knowledge in various fields and in the different areas of the world, but also a focus on the burning issues at the cutting edge of different subspecialties. Also, our international involvement means that the SICOT meetings can provide the best opportunity to approach unusual situations which are of worldwide concern. We are, thankfully, not often confronted with mass casualty events, such as the recent earthquakes. Despite our good knowledge and excellent skills in treating orthopaedic trauma, natural disasters require specific expertise and experience that few of us are able to gain. Therefore, I encourage you to share your experience with the SICOT members who assisted in Haiti and also to help to hammer out strategic approaches with Médecins Sans Frontières and WHO to improve the treatment of orthopaedic trauma in such circumstances, during a special symposium on "Natural Disasters" (Friday, 3 September from 10:45 to 12:15 in H1, Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre). Read more...
SICOT Events
Seventh SICOT/SIROT Annual International Conference
combined meeting with the Swedish Orthopaedic Association (SOF)
31 August-3 September 2010 - Gothenburg, Sweden
Updated information about Gothenburg AIC 2010Â can be found on the SICOT website.
- Registration
Online registration is now closed. Please register on site. The registration desk will be located in the Foyer, Entrance No. 8 of the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.
Registration desk opening hours:
Monday, 30 August
Tuesday, 31 August
Wednesday, 1 September
Thursday, 2 September
Friday, 3 September16:00â18:00
- Scientific ProgrammeÂ
Final Scientific Programme & Posters: Now available online!Â
  Presentation Guidelines: If you are presenting at the Conference, please read these guidelines carefully.
 Abstracts of Oral Presentations & Posters: The abstracts of all oral presentations and posters at the Conference are available to download on the SICOT website.
    SICOT Oral Presentation Awards: The presenting authors of the ten best oral papers will present their papers for a second time at the Best Papers Session on Friday, 3 September (08:00-09:30) in the Congress Hall of the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.
Biomet - Wednesday, 1 September - 12:15 to 13:00 - Room J1
Signature, Patient Specific instrumentation
Emmanuel Thienpont (Belgium) KCI - Wednesday, 1 September - 12:15 to 13:30 - Room F3 - Programme (pdf)
What is the value of negative pressure management in orthopaedic surgery? Are there new developments?
Wim Fleischmann (Netherlands) Medtronic - Thursday, 2 September - 12:15 to 13:30 - Room F6
Bone Grafting Options: From Ceramics to BMPâs
James Stannard (United States)
- CME credits
The 'Seventh SICOT/SIROT Annual International Conference a combined meeting with the Swedish Orthopaedic Association (SOF)' is designated for a maximum of (or 'for up to') 21 hours of European external CME credits. Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity. Read more...
- Social Programme
The Presidents' Dinner will include top-class entertainment by the world's number one ABBA tribute band, Waterloo, followed by dancing. Take a chance on ABBA, The Music! This event promises to be an unforgettable evening for everyone. Don't miss it!Â
Click here to find out more about the Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception, Presidents' Dinner, and Fun Night to be held during the Conference.
These events are not included in the conference registration fee. Registration can be done on site.Â
Discover here the various hotels available around the Conference venue, the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre in Gothenburg.
For any queries regarding accommodation, please contact Congrex Sweden AB:
Fax: +46 31 708 60 25
E-mail: Â
General Information
Click here for general information about the beautiful city of Gothenburg.
SICOT 2011 XXV Triennial World Congress
6-9Â September 2011 - Prague, Czech Republic
- Call for abstracts
Online abstract submission will be open from September 2010 to 15 January 2011.
Main topics
Other topics  Arthroplasty
Road Trauma Safety
Endoscopic Spinal Surgery
Foot & Ankle
Knee Ligament & Cartilage Repair
Minimally Invasive Spinal TechniquesMusculoskeletal Trauma
Prosthesis & Orthotics
Tumours -
Conference registration will open in September 2010.
- Exhibition & Sponsorship
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to promote your products and services to leading international orthopaedic surgeons, traumatologists and specialists in related fields.
Exhibition & Sponsorship Prospectus (pdf) - at 8 April 2010
If you are interested in sponsoring, exhibiting, or advertising at the Congress, please contact Lina Salvati:
Lina Salvati
Linsa Inc. (Canada)
Tel.: +1 514 924 3476
E-mail: Â
Skype: ripley9423
New SICOT Membership Application Form Online!
Joining SICOT has never been so simple! Apply for membership now by simply filling in the new and more user-friendly online SICOT Membership Application Form and pressing the "Validate" button.
If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact the SICOT Head Office at
SICOT Administrative Meetings 2010
The 2010 SICOT Administrative Meetings will take place at the Gothia Towers Hotel in Gothenburg, Sweden, from Sunday, 29 August to Tuesday, 31 August 2010. Please make a note of these dates and check the schedule on the SICOT website (Members' Area) regularly for any additional information or possible changes.
SICOT General Assembly
All SICOT members are invited to attend the SICOT General Assembly, which will take place on Wednesday, 1 September, from 17:45 to 18:45, at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre in Gothenburg. The minutes of the 2009 General Assembly, which took place on 30 October in Pattaya, Thailand, are available in the Members' Area of the SICOT website.Â
- Online Payment of Membership Dues - REMINDER
SICOT members are invited to pay their 2010 membership dues online. We remind members that according to the SICOT Bylaws, "Payment shall be made normally by March 31st of any given year".
Payment can be made via the Members' Area of the SICOT website, which can be accessed by entering your username (member ID number or e-mail address) and password in the top left-hand corner of the website and pressing the "Login" button. Then click on "Pay your dues online" in the Members' Area.
If you do not have your password, please click on the "Forgot your password?" link above the menu on the left-hand side of the website. You will be redirected to another page, where you will need to fill in your e-mail address. A message containing a link will then be sent to the e-mail address you entered. Clicking on this link will open a new window, where you will be able to choose a new password.
If you have any questions or any problems accessing the Members' Area, please contact the SICOT Head Office at
SICOT Global Network for Electronic Learning - SIGNEL
- Article of the Month
Hip fracture: effectiveness of early surgery to prevent 30-day mortality
Elisa Carretta, Valerio Bochicchio, Paola Rucci, Giuliana Fabbri, Massimo Laus & Maria Pia Fantini
To estimate the effect of delay to surgery for hip fracture on 30-day mortality using a risk adjustment strategy to control for the effect of demographic and clinical confounders. Read more...
- Cases of the MonthÂ
The SICOT Editorial Department invites the SICOT members to participate in its call for cases by submitting their cases to The cases will be reviewed and possibly adapted to fit the "Case of the Month" layout. The reviewers reserve the right to refuse any case. To see the content and layout of previous cases, please log in to the SICOT website and go to the "Cases of the Month" page which can be found in the SIGNEL sub-menu. Guidelines for Authors
Femoral Neck Fractures Training
A SICOT online course on Femoral Neck Fractures is available at for SICOT members.
If you are a SICOT member, please log in to the SICOT website with your username (member ID number/e-mail address) and password. Information about password renewal is available on the SICOT website.
Once you have logged in, you can register for the course here.
Worldwide News
- Hiranandani Orthopaedic Medical Education (HOME) Fellowships
Hiranandani Orthopaedic Medical Education (HOME) is a department that is dedicated to the field of clinical research in Orthopaedics. HOME is working on a number of projects related to clinical research in adult hip and knee surgery. HOME conducted its first workshop on scientific publication (WOSP) in December 2009, in collaboration with the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British Volume). A number of scientific meetings have also been planned for the future.
Research Fellowships, in adult hip and knee surgery, are offered by HOME. The tenure is for six months initially and extendable for a year. The Research Fellow will be a full-time research assistant with dedicated sessions for literature search, data entry, and management of a newly developed software called SwingSmartâ¢. Bachelor accommodation and stipend are offered to the Fellow. Read more...
- World Orthopaedic Concern Newsletters
The World Orthopaedic Concern (WOC) is dedicated to improving the standard of orthopaedic and reconstructive surgery in all developing countries - in the tropics, subtropics, and anywhere where there is a need. WOC regularly circulates an interesting and informative Newsletter worldwide, providing news of orthopaedic activity mainly in the developing areas of the world. It is hoped that the Newsletters will also be distributed to those who have little or no access to the internet. The most recent issues can be downloaded via the SICOT website and the WOC websites: / /
- Orthopaedic surgeon needed in Haiti
MSF-Belgium is looking for an orthopaedic surgeon to work in Haiti for a minimum period of one month. A full job description can be found here. If interested, please send CV and dates of availability to Lynette Dominguez:
Volunteers needed in Bhutan
Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO) is currently advertising volunteer opportunities in Bhutan. The site in Thimphu needs volunteers for monthly assignments for the following months in 2011: January, June, July and December. The site in Mongar needs volunteers for assignments of 6-8 weeks for the following months in 2011: June, July, August, and September. For more information contact the program department.
Industry News
Spine News
New ProductsÂ
#1524-1 Â Â |
Important customer information about our new clear elastathane cover:
- The material is self-healing but not if it is cut with a scalpel.
- If you insert a needle followed by catheter, followed by dilators then the material will expand greatly without tearing or cutting. When the dilator is removed, the material will shrink back and the hole will self-heal. Note that after a while this effect will stop working.
- Sawbones recommend that you do put the clear elastathane cover in a zip bag when not being used and silicon can be added on the material if it starts to dry out.
Sawbones Europe AB Krossverksgatan 3 SE-216 16 Malmö Sweden |
Tel.: +46 40 650 70 00 Fax: +46 40 650 70 01 E-mail:  Website: |
Editorial Department
Editorial Secretary: Syed Awais
Assistant Editorial Secretary: Hatem Said
External Affairs: Linda Ridefjord
Special thanks to Anthony Hall
Rue Washington 40-b.9, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: +32 2 648 68 23 | Fax: +32 2 649 86 01
E-mail: | Website: Â
Disclaimer: Some of the views and information expressed in this e-Newsletter include external contributors whose views are not necessarily those of SICOT. SICOT is not responsible for the content of any external internet sites.