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Affiliated Societies




The Worldwide Organization in Children Orthopaedics


The International Federation of the Paediatric Orthopaedic Societies (I.F.P.O.S) was officially founded on April 13, 1996, in Prague. The head office is located at the Santobono Hospital, Orthopaedic Department, Via Mario Fiore, Naples. The office could change address if so decided by the Board.


The objectives of this Federation are to promote and to increase relations between paediatric orthopaedists around world. This will lead to the advancement of paediatric orthopaedics in clinical practice, scientific research, teaching and training for the diseases of the locomotor system during the growth period.

The purpose of IFPOS is to unite paediatric orthopaedics societies, associations, study groups and individual surgeons throughout the world.

IFPOS wishes also to coordinate the international scientific activities in this field.

IFPOS is also designed to assist national societies, study groups or individual surgeons in their efforts to develop paediatric orthopaedics.


SECTION 1 - QUALIFICATIONS: All paediatric orthopaedic organizations can be grouped in this Federation. They can either be associations, societies or study groups. These organizations can be regional, national or supra-national.

SECTION 2 - INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP: Such regional, national or supra-national organizations or study groups will become members of IFPOS by application. They should be well established organizations and known for their contribution to paediatric orthopaedics. Their individual members will become members of IFPOS and participate in all its activities if they wish to do so.

A) NOMINATION: Each organization ( or group) in the Federation is an equal partner in all activities of the Federation regardless of the size of the society or group.

B) EXCLUSION: Any membership society which will be implied in malfeasance,
lapsed financial subscription, or in violation of the general rules of these statutes as well as any membership society not represented at 2 consecutive Meetings and who will not have notified to the Federation, indicating her reasons, can be excluded from the Federation. If the “Member” has an executive role on behalf of his Society or Association then failure to attend on his part should prompt to request the appointment of another representative. However, its individual members can continue to belong IFPOS in joining another society or study group.


A) BUSINESS ASSEMBLY is composed of the President, Vice President
and/or the Secretary of the Paediatric Orthopaedic Societies or Groups with the following goals:
- Nomination of the members of the Executive Committee;
- Nomination of new members of societies or groups;
- New scientific and organizational proposals to be developed by the President during his 3 years term of office;
- Planning of the triennial meetings: location, topics...
- Approval of changes in statutes proposed by the Executive Committee;
- Teaching program.
This Business Assembly will be held yearly at the time and the place of one of the multinational meetings.

Votes: in the Business Assembly, the national societies or groups are allowed to have one vote. The international societies as EPOS, POSNA, will have 3 votes.

B) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE is nominated by the Business Assembly. It is composed of:
4 representatives of the Americas (one of them being delegated by POSNA);
4 representatives of the Asia-Oceania area;
4 representatives of Europe and Africa (one of them being delegated by EPOS).
The 12 members of this Executive Committee will meet once a year just before one of the multinational meetings. The Executive Committee will prepare the agenda for the Business Assembly.

The Executive Committee will be in charge of the Federation for a 3 years term.

The 12 members of the Executive Committee will be composed as follows:

  1. The President: represents the Federation and he will be in charge for 3 years;
  2. The President-Elect can replace the President in case of absence. The President-Elect will be elected for a 3 years term. The President-Elect will become President;
  3. The Vice-President should be the chairman of the next meeting. He is, thus, elected for a 3 years term;
  4. The Secretary: he/she shall be responsible for preparation of the minutes of the Committee’s meeting as well as minutes of the Federation Meetings. He/she shall receive all applications for membership and shall transmit them to the Executive Committee. He/she shall also keep a registry of members. In case of absence, he may replace the Vice-President. He/she shall be elected of a e years term of office;
  5. The Treasurer: he/she shall receive all incomes and shall publish a financial report. The financial report shall be approved by the Society’s Accountant before the Congress. He/she shall be elected according to the same rules applied to the Secretary;
  6. Councillors: nominated by the Executive Committee and approved by the Business Assembly for a 3 years of term.
  7. Ex-officio: some members who have done important services to IFPOS. They are elected for a 3 years of term without right to vote.

A general assembly should be held every three years at the time of the IFPOS meeting.


The Executive Committee of the Federation shall hold its annual Board Meeting and Business Assembly at the time of one of the Meeting of one of the three main constitutive groups: AMERICA (including North and South America), ASIA/OCEANIA and EUROPE (including East and West Europe and Africa). The Federation shall hold its scientific meeting every 3 years rotating in these 3 areas; it’ll be combined with the scientific meeting of the hosting region. The conditions and financial arrangements shall be negociated. If other groups are founded in the future, the Federation will have the same position face to them.

The Federation may scientifically support national or international meetings after consulting the Committee. In return, a report of the meeting will be sent to the Secretary.

The Executive Committee will nominate a Scientific Committee composed by 9 members, three of each area, in order to coordinate the various scientific activities of the Federation. A Chairman will be nominated among the members of this Scientific Committee.


The funds of the Federation shall be derived from meetings as well as from any legacies, gifts or donations from representative organizations. Having no true source of income, the Society is considered to be without financial gain.


The official language for all activities of the Federation shall be English.